5+1 Gründe, sich der B2B-Plattform von Energofish.com für Angelzubehör-Händler anzuschließen.
Published: 2025. February 18. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

In der wettbewerbsintensiven Welt des Angelhandels ist ein zuverlässiger Lieferant und ein effizientes Bestellsystem entscheidend, um der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Die B2B-Plattform von Energofish.at wurde speziell entwickelt, um Angelgeschäfte, Händler und Großhändler dabei zu unterstützen, ihren Einkaufsprozess zu optimieren und gleichzeitig Zugang zu exklusiven Angeboten und hochwertigen Produkten zu erhalten. Wenn Sie nach einer intelligenteren und profitableren ...

New carp bait harnesses the power of… insects!
Published: 2024. December 19. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

Ensure the health of carp by developing a bait that is more natural and easy to a digest while also not harming the water environment… that was the tall order demanded of product developers at top Hungarian brand Energofish.And after two years of painstaking development, the company believes it has achieved its aim with the launch of The One. The source of the groundbreaking – and first of its kind – bait is the humble insect. The One Insect Series is a natural carp food that is ...

Versatility MAX-ed out!
Published: 2024. October 29. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

The Carp Expert Double Tip rods have become extremely popular among anglers due to their versatility and the endless possibilities they offer, making them one of the most favored rods in the assortment. I personally experienced this versatility with the redesigned Max2 Double Tip rods, as one day I was fishing for bream with a long line and a 75g feeder, and two days later, on a different section of river, I was battling wild river fish with the same rod, fighting in the dense vegetation in ...

Energofish, the king of tigernut
Published: 2024. July 31. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

It is obvious for everybody that the different boiled or fermented seeds, like tigernut, are essential groundbaits for anglers including both feeder and carp anglers. If we take a closer look at the tigernut range Energofish offers to its customers, it becomes clear, that among these products, probably all the anglers find the suitable one to feed or to use as a hookbait. Every item of the range are consisting of properly boiled, selected grains to guarantee the best chance for those who try ...

Ready Carp – We Met, We Became Friends!
Published: 2024. July 29. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

Who knows me knows that from this year, I have the honor to fish under the colors of the Energofish team, which offers the opportunity to be the first to test and try out the products they distribute. You should know that before a product reaches the store shelves, it goes through numerous tests, and this is true for almost everything: groundbaits, lures, rods, reels… I have mostly encountered Benzar Mix products in this way so far. Allow me to share with you the experiences from three ...

Renewed Carp Expert PVA Mesh Products
Published: 2024. May 07. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

PVA products aren’t new accessories in carpfishing, because they have been available on the market for quite a while now. The popularity of concentrated, small-amount feeding hasn’t dropped during the past years, rather has grown among the Hungarian fishermen. These kinds of products were available in the wide range of Carp Expert accessories as well, but we thought that we needed to use the opportunities buried in the continuously developing technologies. That’s how the new Carp ...

Magniific Scobar
Published: 2024. April 16. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

The technique of float fishing has always been one of my favorite methods. In my childhood (like many others), I caught my first fish with this float method, and to this day, I enjoy using rods without reels. At the FeHoVa exhibition, I encountered CARP EXPERT's new float rods for the first time, and when I held the model named SCOBAR in my hand, I immediately felt that it was an excellent tool... Gone are the days when I chased fish with a bamboo rod on the banks of small channels, then ...

Wizard Catmagnet
Published: 2024. March 19. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

Wizard Catmagnet, a new Energofish product development, from the Hungarian design table to implementation In 2024, in our days, we can safely say that it is not easy to launch unique products on the market, this is due to the terrible information revolution and the various possibilities. This factor also affects and threatens the fishing tackle industry, but whoever invests time and effort and digs into the depths of things can develop and improve. This is what Energofish Ltd. ...

CatMagnet team at a catfishing competition on Lake Szent István in Nőtincs (Hungary)
Published: 2023. December 11. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

The CatMagnet team has participated in an exciting catfishing competition held in Nőtincs again this year. In this article I will introduce the competition and share our overall experience. For those who are beginners in fishing for catfish, it will include some useful guidelines and preparation suggestions for a real catfish competition.   First, some interesting facts about the lake: this gem is located in Nógrád county, its size is approximately fifty-hectare and it was ...

Quality groundbaits manufactured in Hungary - Request your sample pack!
Published: 2023. November 09. | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

  With Benzar Mix, the well-known and popular feeder fishing orientated brand of Energofish Ltd., the company have made big step ahead regarding product development and logistics, as they started to make the majority of Benzar Mix groundbaits and pellets in their own factory built in Marcali. But why this step is that important for a market leader company like Energofish?  Firstly, let’s talk about quality! There are innumerous ingredients to choose from if we are talking ...