Product description

Karpfen Expert eingelegter Mais in Gläsern

Es ist kein Zufall, dass Mais einer der traditionellsten Fischköder ist, und auch heute noch kann man mit ihm kaum etwas falsch machen. Die Maiskörner von Carp Expert bieten eine Alternative zum traditionellen Spinner, zum feinen Feeder und sogar zum Schwimmerangeln.

Aromatisierte Maiskörner in 212ml-Packungen.


Der in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen erhältliche Mais, der sogar einen Sortiereffekt hervorrufen kann, ist bei Karpfen, Amur und größeren Brassen sehr beliebt.

Article Nr. Flavoring Füllmenge
98004-001 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS  212ML VANILLE Vanille212 ml
98004-003 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS  212ML. HONIG Süss Mais212 ml
98004-013 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS  212ML. ERDBEERE Erdbeere212 ml
98004-020 CARP EXPERT  MAIS IM GLAS  212ML MUSCHEL Muschel212ml
98004-025 CARP EXPERT  MAIS IM GLAS  212ML PALINKA Brandy212ml
98004-030 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS  212ML KNOBLAUCH Knoblauch212ml
98004-073 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS  212ML TUTTI-FRUTI Tutti-frutti212 ml
98004-099 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS 212ML MILCHSÄURE Milchsäure212 ml
98004-850 CARP EXPERT MAIS IM GLAS 212ML AMUR Grass Karpfen212 ml

Carp Expert Seeds for everybody
Published: 2023-09-29 | Quelle: Energofish | Articles

It is obvious for everybody that the different boiled seeds are essential groundbaits for anglers including both feeder and carp anglers. If we take a closer look at the Carp Expert range, it becomes clear that among these products, probably all the anglers find the suitable seed mix. All the items ...

Carp Expert turns up the heat with seeds for the summer!
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  After the time when water’s temperature reaches 20 degrees, a new chapter starts in carpfishing. The appetite of fish keeps growing day by day, that is why anglers need to adapt to the changed circumstances regarding their feeding strategy. A bigger emphasise must be put on the use of ...

Combine traditional and modern solutions of fishing!
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Perfect solution for summer time carp angling
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Good choice for every situation Let me share with you my recommondations that coming from my summer time fishing experiences from hungarian lakes. If you would like to eliminate the boaring hours without bites from your tours just follow my instructions and try the following baits and I am pretty ...

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