It is obvious for everybody that the different boiled seeds are essential groundbaits for anglers including both feeder and carp anglers. If we take a closer look at the Carp Expert range, it becomes clear that among these products, probably all the anglers find the suitable seed mix. All the items of the range are consisting of properly boiled, selected grains to guarantee the best chance for those who try them.
Now it’s time to introduce the elements of this complex, high quality sortiment!
Let’s start with the products in 800 grams packaging!
This is the widest sub-assortment as 800 grams of corn, wheat or anything else is usually more than enough for a one-day fishing. Among the 800 grams seeds, anglers find the most basical grains on their own, like corn, tigernut or hempseed, even in normal, and summer, lactic acid versions. These products are both suitable for feeding during a carp fishing trip or, for making the groundbait even more complex and attractive.
But of course, simplicity is not always the key of succes, that is why, Energofish put some seed mixes in the sortiment as well.
These are ideal mixtures of Carp Expert’s finest particles all cooked and prepared to the highest standards. These mixes are excellent choices if anglers are planning to create a bed of feed, because the different particles ensure that fish will not become pre-occupied feeding on any one food item. These are all great for feeding with spomb or scoop.
As we all know, many anglers prefer long journeys, that is why the majority of Carp Expert products are available in economical packaging as well. These products are the tigernut, the corn and one mixture of corn, wheat and hempseed.
Due to this packaging, buying the proper amount of particles will not hurt that much which is really important for every angler across Europe. With the 3 or 5 kgs packs, feeding bravely could not be a problem!
Furthermore, Carp Expert range contains many natural hookbaits as well, like the flavoured corns in fluid and the pickled corn variations. These hookbaits are ideal for all anglers who prefer traditional solutions and try to catch any of the non-predatory species. Bottled corns are available in different, attractive flavours and bright colours that make them a selective, absolutely four-season hookbait.
If we consider carp fishing, fishing selectively is always the key of success. That is why among Carp Expert seeds, there are some flavoured tigernut variations, that are ideal for lakes where for example it is really hard to catch carps from the presence of catfish or small skimmers. Making a snowman rig with a flavoured tigernut and a bright pop-up can change everything there and can make fishing more efficient!
Taking everything into account, now everybody can see how complex the Carp Expert Particle sortiment is! From this, probably everybody can choose the proper solution!
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It is obvious for everybody that the different boiled or fermented seeds, like tigernut, are essential groundbaits for anglers including both feeder and carp anglers. If we take a closer look at the tigernut range Energofish offers to its customers, it becomes clear, that among these products, probably all the anglers find the suitable one to feed or to use as a hookbait. Every item of the range are consisting of properly boiled, selected grains to guarantee the best chance for those who try...
Who knows me knows that from this year, I have the honor to fish under the colors of the Energofish team, which offers the opportunity to be the first to test and try out the products they distribute. You should know that before a product reaches the store shelves, it goes through numerous tests, and this is true for almost everything: groundbaits, lures, rods, reels… I have mostly encountered Benzar Mix products in this way so far. Allow me to share with you the experiences from three...
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